Monday, May 14, 2012

Nice to Meet Myself

One of the many reasons I love photography is that I can use it to explore so many of my interests. Since I began creating clone photography it has been one of the most compelling ways I have found to do this. My first ideas were simplistic; replicating more than one of myself into a scene or background. But I soon realized I wanted to use this type of photography to explore some more meaningful life challenges and once the ideas started flowing it was hard to stop them.

This first photo was created based on one of my favorite ideas. I was really intrigued by the concept of a girl meeting herself, seeing herself from the outside, but also as herself. I think this is one of the most complicated and difficult things we (or more specifically I) struggle with as human beings- being able to step outside our own minds, lives and problems to see ourselves clearly. It made me wonder; if I could do this how would it make me feel? Would I like myself? Would I feel proud of myself? Ashamed? Embarrassed? How might gaining a new perspective change how I percieved myself in the world? Would I be sympathetic towards myself knowing both sides of the perspective? Or would it be impossible to withhold judgment? My guess is that no matter what the final conclusion, it would be both frightening and difficult to find the courage to really know oneself from an outside perspective.  

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